Churches may be desirable places for burglaries because they are often quiet and isolated from general traffic. There may also be a lot of valuables and expensive equipment in your church. Production departments often have expensive equipment. For these reasons, every church needs to protect their church with security cameras.
Not only are burglaries an issue with churches, but other personal crimes which seemingly should not happen in churches, do, in fact, take place at churches. These include rape, sexual assault, fondling and child molesting.
The best and most effective way to prevent crime and secure your church is to install security cameras to deter crimes and protect your congregation.
Church Security Cameras
Multiple Locations Of Your Church
There are many locations at every church where crimes could potentially take place. These areas need protection. Securing large churches can require many security cameras. Some churches prefer to protect all areas during the initial installation. Other churches select one primary area at a time and add cameras in phases.
The important thing is to take action and start a plan to secure your church one step at a time.
Entries and Exits
Entry and exit doors are the main place where people flow in and out of a church. All entrances should have security cameras to protect them. Not only do security cameras protect your congregation, but security cameras can record any illegal activity coming into a church.
Many churches have many winding, hidden, secluded hallways. These secluded locations become easy targets for crimes. It is important to make sure all hallways are protected, especially if there are multiple rooms or classrooms nearby.
Surprisingly, theft occurs among church staff. Church staff may be tempted to take what does not belong to them. Trusting staff may leave valuables at their desk or work area. Sometimes purses are left accessible. These unexpected situations are easy to deter.
While it may not be possible to place security cameras inside a bathroom, it is important to place cameras at restroom entrances. This deters crimes from taking place in private locations.
Youth Buildings
Many churches have separate youth buildings for their youth groups. Whether your youth group meets in a separate building or an adjacent room, youth need to be protected. Security cameras not only protect the youth, but also provide valuable recording evidence if there is ever a disputed situation.
Nurseries are one location where accidents can easily happen to babies and toddlers. The benefits of installing security cameras in your church nursery or daycare may include live streaming video. Live streaming video allow children’s parents to see their children. This may insure parents their children are safe. Access to live streaming can optionally be assigned upon arrival when parents drop off their children.
Wireless or Wired Cameras
There are 2 ways to connect security cameras. The two ways to connect security cameras are wired cameras and wireless cameras. Wired security cameras are more cost effective and better for most church installations.
Wireless Cameras
Wireless cameras transmit video wirelessly over your WiFi network. For locations where it may not be reasonable to run cables, wireless cameras may be good a good choice.
Wired Cameras
Wired security cameras usually cost much less to purchase. These cameras send video through CAT5 or CAT6 cables. Most camera installations at churches use wired cameras.
Want more information about security cameras? For more information about security cameras, read our article Reasons To Choose Dome Cameras.
Dome Cameras Or Bullet Cameras
There are basically two types of surveillance cameras to choose from when selecting video surveillance cameras for your church. The two types of cameras are dome cameras and bullet cameras.

Dome security cameras are a better choice for several reasons. For more information about dome security cameras, read our article Reasons To Choose Dome Cameras.

Church Security Cameras Remote Access
Security camera systems may optionally provide remote access to surveillance video. This can be beneficial for Pastors, staff and security departments who can easily and conveniently watch locations on their smart devices. This requires installation of an app on your smartphone.
Church Security Camera Recording
Church security cameras can record video on DVRs. This provides evidence for unplanned situations if needed. DVRs can record multiple streams from multiple cameras. Recorded video may assist authorities with identifying people involved in crimes.
When selecting security cameras for your church, choose good quality cameras that will last, especially when installing security cameras outside. Witness Security provides a 2 year quality guarantee on security video cameras and professional installation.
Learn more about Security and Security Cameras:
Security Cameras
Contact Us
Are you ready to order a security system for your church? Do you have questions? Would you like to schedule a security professional to visit your office to go over details? Give us a call 918-289-0880.
More About Churches
Churches are the most predominant locations in any city or town. Many churches are hundreds of years old dating back to the beginning of our country. Some churches are very small. Some churches are extremely large. Churches are found in large cities and small towns in every state.
Many towns and cities have both small and large churches. The structures of churches have changed and adapted to the changes in society. Today, most thriving churches have youth buildings for youth ministries. Churches today also have extremely expensive worship equipment that include projection screens, audio equipment, video equipment and musical instruments.
Church Stats
Christianity is the largest religion in the United States. Various Protestant Churches have the most members. The United States also has the largest Christian population in the world. Nearly 240 million Christians live in the United States.
Roughly 350,000 religious congregations exist in the United States. Of these, about 314,000 are Protestant and other Christian churches. About 24,000 churches are Catholic and Orthodox.
About 40% all Americans attended church on a weekly basis. However, 68% of all the unaffiliated population express a belief in God. Out of the entire US population, only 2.4% self identify as “atheist”.
Church Message
The most amazing thing about churches is not their architecture, or the size of their buildings. The most amazing thing about churches is the impact churches have on society and the culture of cities and towns across our country. It’s the message. People from all walks of like, facing a myriad of challenges and difficulties have had their lives forever changed from stepping into a local church. Marriages have been restored. Families have been healed. All manner of bad behavior and dependencies have been rectified. Businesses have thrived.
Numerous families have started, grown and been nurtured by local churches. Generations have grown up attending church services weekly. There are more Pastors, Bible teachers, and church staff in the US than any other country. Every week, millions of people attend church services and hear messages that impact their lives.
Church Politics
Churches affect politics. Church leaders and teachers teach congregations about political candidates and party beliefs. Many Believers rise up to take government positions and run for political offices.
Protect Your Church
The effect churches have on society, our culture and families is great and immeasurable.
Protect those who attend your church services. Secure your church with high quality security cameras.